The artist GEHA started out as an engraver. With postal art, she also knows how to express her qualities as an artist.
It all started in 1983 when I received a letter from Pierre Marquer as part of a chain letter. I replied by sending him a small engraving and in return he put me in contact with his postal art network…
That was 40 years ago and I still correspond with some of them today !
Artistes Actuels met her in her workshop.

Mail art is a game!
GEHA approaches mail art as a multifaceted game :
First of all, with his correspondents, there is a reciprocal stimulation even if GEHA does not expect a response at first sight. “I send to please and sometimes I receive in return.
Then with the Post Office, even if what interests GEHA is less provocation than creation. “What I really like to do is to play with the stamps on the envelopes and see if they pass the institution’s controls.
Postmen are also rarely indifferent to his art.
I remember the sparkling eyes of a postwoman, who told me she had seen one of my creations pass by at the sorting centre !

Mail art : It makes me feel good !
Because mail art is not meant to be exhibited, GEHA does not put pressure on itself.
In mail art, you don’t have to prove or defend anything. I don’t want to be bored and it really makes me feel good !
Over the years, GEHA has built up drawers of elements that she uses in her creations. For example, she has hundreds of mouths, eyes or bodies that she cuts out of magazines. She also uses feathers, product labels, slogans, Michelin maps, photos she has taken, strings, sewing thread and other cords… elements that she always diverts in surprising ways.
GEHA has also been able to integrate elements of her husband’s creations, the artist Pierre Albasser (read the article ArtistesActuels)
No borders for mail art !
GEHA uses a multitude of techniques for its creations. Drawing, engraving, collage, tearing, painting, stencilling, staining… “In mail art, there are no limits. There are no boundaries.”
She also sometimes makes her own envelopes to enhance her designs. “I often laugh when I design and wonder what effect it will have when it arrives at its destination!
From these decades of postal art, GEHA has been able to create surprising series, each of which is unique. We are delighted by such subtlety and humour !
In the age of emails, SMS, e-cards, WhatsApp and other messengers, receiving a piece of mail from GEHA is a delight.

The editorial team
Pleasure and emotion of artistic discoveries