Art book La préhistoire ?

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Title : Prehistory ?

Leporello-style artist’s book, éditions banales publisher
Three original mixed-media drawings (including two reworked reminders), 2012
Size 14 x 14 cm closed
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Singular packaging !  

An alert octogenarian, he draws on the packaging of the products he consumes with his wife, the artist GEHA. His works are now a reference in the world of singular art. He is featured in “L’imagier singulier de François Jauvion”. Ostrich eggs, pebbles and ceramic dishes are other favourite supports. Pierre and GEHA also create small books, unique poetic pieces, published in their “banal editions”.

Read the article  : Pierre Albasser, from doodles to singular art


The “Banal Editions” : Each time it is a unique copy !

They were born in 2002 in Lagord, near La Rochelle. GEHA, his wife, wanted to highlight his mini-drawings which accumulate over time and lend themselves well to small series. She combines them with question and answer titles. With great care and patience, she takes care of all the material aspects: always square format, choice of colours and papers.

Often a small window on the reverse side of a folding flap shows that the drawing was made on packaging cardboard, following her usual practice. Pierre Albasser contributes simply by tracing his initials on the cover.portrait


Thanks Blandine Roques gallery in Montauban, I discovered Pierre Albasser artworks. When I learned that he was a gentleman of more than eighty years, I was bluffed because his work is always sparkling and facetious. Since then, I have acquired several works. Each time, I’ve had a real pleasure in discovering the back of the packaging. It’s a bit like entering the artist’s private life. It doubles my emotion.

He has become a real reference in today’s singular art. A very beautiful book published in November 2021 is dedicated to him ! “