Elise Geoffrion has a passionate and sensual relationship with literature and books. Her mastery of renovation materials (stone, stonemasonry, lime, wood and earth) and her dreamy quests in nature, where she gathers small treasures, have encouraged her creative audacity.

Elise Geoffrion's dream creations in paper and paint
Literature and books have supported her young years by making her travel in fantasies. She thus developed a fleshy link with the paper material. After studying modern literature, she worked in the world of antiques and then in the renovation of old houses. From her experiences in building renovation, she learned to master materials: stone, stone cutting, lime, wood…
For five years, she has been working with oil paint on sketch paper. This technique allows her to produce transparency effects or paintings on glass close to radiography. She practices an abstract painting quasi chemical on paper with plays of light.
Organic and poetic creations from the living earth
” Human beings think because they have a hand “
Anaxagore (pre-Socratic Greek philosopher)
In nature, Elise Geoffrion collects her small poetic treasures that she accumulates in her workshop as a cabinet of natural curiosities: twisted wood, volcanic stones, mushrooms, feathers, fur and hair …
Her workshop has become her bubble of poetry, dream and serenity where she dared her first assemblies and the work of paper mache. At the beginning, she used glass bottles as a support, then small characters started their life journey without support or crutch.
From paper mache, anthropomorphic figs (greed is never far away), tinder fungus and many natural and organic curiosities, Elise Geoffrion sows dreams and poetry.
What is the tinder fungus ?
Tinder is a mushroom from which we get tinder, a spongy material from mushrooms that provides a natural felt used since prehistoric times. This material is abundant in nature and is characterized by its lightness and strength. Elise uses the whole mushroom. She plans to test the clay in primitive firing. But for the moment, she is working with white stoneware with firing followed by smoking for the heads of her figures.

Elise Geoffrion's artistic rise

After local exhibitions (tea rooms, restaurants) in 2018, Elise Geoffrion was invited to a media library as part of “Les lecteurs ont du talent”, and then her works integrated the collection of the Artothèque de Montpellier. She had her first group exhibition in Bédarieux (Hérault, Occitanie) in 2019. Since then, her work and her artistic life intensify.
During Summer 2022, she presented her work at the Festival d’Art singulier de Meysse, near Montélimar. In September 22, she participated in the Biennial of Singular Art “Marche du côté sauvage” in Chaumont, Haute Marne.
The year 2023 is promising for Elise Geoffrion: she will be in July in the Aude for “L’art Caché”, she is selected to participate in “L’art s’invite” in Magrie in October 2023 and she obtains her first Prize at the Biennale of Contemporary Art in Seméac in April 2023… for her sculpture “Là-Haut”. Elise Geoffrion has talent, with her professionalism, she will go far.
Artistes Actuels is happy to welcome her on the online gallery : see her artworks on sale

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