Title : "Butchery" Engraving realized at the Pasnic workshop in Paris Carborundum technique with oil inks on Arche paper 220 gr Numbered n°6 on 10 Dimensions 25 x 33 cm
Title : "Dung beetle" Engraving realized at the Pasnic workshop in Paris Carborundum technique with oil inks on Arche 220g paper Numbered n°2 on 10 Dimensions 49 x 65 cm
Digital print on 300 gr paper (digigraphy) Number 1 of 8 Format 47 x 59 cm The digigraphy plate has a double size compared to the original plate which is 26 x 36 cm. This size allows a full development of the drawing. More digigraphies on request by contacting us
Title : "Raven" Engraving realized at the Pasnic workshop in Paris Carborundum technique with oil inks on Arche 220g paper Unique copy Dimensions 46 x 56 cm
Title : "Lunch in the air" Engraving realized at the Pasnic workshop in Paris Carborundum technique, with oil inks on Arche 220 gr paper Numbered n°4 on 16 Size 56 x 75 cm
Title : "Lunch in the air" Engraving realized at the Pasnic workshop in Paris Carborundum technique with oil inks on Arche 220g paper Numbered n°14 on 16 Dimensions 56 x 75 cm
Title : Flesh and barrel Hand embroidery with needle Silk threads, velvet and astrakhan ribbons, inks, on cotton thread and wild silk piece Embroidery on both sides Dimensions 25.5 x 26 cm
Title : Ant Engraving realized at the Pasnic workshop in Paris Carborundum technique with oil inks on Arche 220g paper Numbered n°2 on 10 Dimensions 49 x 65 cm
Title : Ant 2 Engraving realized at the Pasnic workshop in Paris Carborundum technique with oil inks on Arche 220 gr paper Numbered n° 6 on 10 Size 32 x 40 cm
Set of two cards, each with its own envelope Collage, old paper, small burnt holes. Drawing in Indian ink, pencil and felt pen Size: 10.5 x 21 cm (closed card), envelope 11.4 x 22.9 cm
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